Thursday, April 22, 2010

Work Party Fun!

Hello Everyone!

This is a thank you to everyone who came out to our community work party on April 10th. The day was a great success and much was accomplished. Here are some pictures of the awesome people that were there and the work that they did!

Jenta and a neighbor of the garden planting raspberry starts.

Jacquie, Katie and Anna preparing the ground to plant wildflowers.

Lunchtime! We had amazing beef, chicken, fish and vegetable
shishkabobs with tons of berries from Allison's family farm and lots more!

Anna and a friend preparing the ground where the
compost bins and chicken coop will go.

Briana, Emma and a USF supporter planting citrus trees.
This one's meyer lemon!

Stephanie and Allison preparing posters and signs for the garden.

Katia and Christina mixing compost in the soil before
the berry bed is planted.
Peter working hard on his homemade compost bins.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Photographs from the Work Day

This past Saturday, April 10th, under a cloudy-chance-of-rain kind of day we enjoyed the grill, earth, and eachothers' company.

Peter building a compost bin.
Katia's got enthusiasm to plant root crops in our stacked bed.
Heather puts on her best farmer face while Chris spreads compost and Jenta does plumbing work to install the drip irrigation.
Anna preps the space for the chicken coop.

Booker T's Ariel and DeVonte dig out the old potato tower to make space for the new one!

Replanting Borage.

Thanks to everyone who helped!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Work-Party on Saturday, April 10th

When: Saturday, April 10, 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
What: A day filled with fun, food, music, entertainment, raffles, and garden work.
Where: Booker T Washington Community Center, 800 Presidio Avenue on Presidio and Sutter
Who: USF Capstone class, the children and teachers of Booker T, local community members and YOU!
Why: to create community awareness and support, raise funding to continue our work, meet supporters and work on the garden.
What to wear: hat, gardening gloves, clothes you can get dirty, sunglasses and sunscreen.
What to bring: a plate, a fork and a blank, light-colored t-shirt to put a Booker T garden logo on it!

Questions? contact:

First Work-Party, Saturday March 27

Tyrun weedwacking so we can make compost
and clear the area for planting wildflowers!

Vicente and Jenta working hard to move dirt
and make the bed level.
Once the bed is weeded and level, we can
plant in it!

This entire bed used to be overgrown
with weeds and had a fallen tree in it!

This past Saturday was very productive and inspirational! We can visibly see the fruits of our labors everyday in the garden. Today we managed to weed out the entire G bed and about 1/3 of the sloped area. This is where grapes, raspberries, blackberries and wildflowers are going to be planted. We also had to level G bed because all the dirt had shifted down and then compost was mixed in to fill the bed and enrich the soil! I am still amazed by how different things look from when we began. Perhaps at the end of this semester there will be a before and after post? This is just a taste though, of the work-party happening this Saturday, April 10th! We need many hands to accomplish our goals! Please tell your friends and family to come by and support us if you like what we are doing and trying to do. It's going to be a lot of fun and there are going to be a lot of interesting, motivated people there. Come check it out this Saturday!